
Lin and Ben's life blog. Dedicated to any and all interesting happenings about our shared life!

Out through the window instead of the door?

Well haven't we had an eventful fortnight! My tummy is getting tighter and tighter and harder and harder by the day! I've got all sorts of bits and and pieces poking out here and there and it's so funny to watch all the lumps and bumps moving around! Sometimes the movements from the outside look a little alien-like, but it's so exciting!!

Bubs is starting to engage now and is really pushing down into my pelvis. I'm feeling very heavy down there and I can feel the pressure on my bladder constantly. I'm back to visiting the loo more regularly like I did in my first trimester. My lower back and mid-thorasic areas are achey from about lunchtime onwards and I really need that afternoon lay down now!

Sleeping at night is getting harder too. My circulation is not too crash hot and my arms and legs feel like lead weights. Ben tells me my breathing is getting out of control and he's resorting to ear plugs to sleep with me!!

I'm making the most of our private health insurance by having pregnancy massages, pilates and aquarobics all twice a week, which is helping me heaps as well as providing excellent relaxation.

Yesterday we had our 32 week scan and weren't we in for a surprise at this visit! A fortnight ago our OB told us that we're looking at an 8 pound baby... now we're told we're now pushing 9 pounds!!! Holey moley!! Bub's CRL is today 34cm... 3cm more than a fortnight ago. The normal CRL at 40 weeks is between 35-37cm. Mmm... if you do the math knowing that at this stage, babies normally grow at a rate of 1cm per week, it doesn't take a genius to work out that we ain't having a little bub!!

Doc said that due to the risk of fetal distress and the size of my pelvis, that we should seriously consider a c-section... In a lot of ways I'm probably leaning towards that way anyway, so I'm happy to just do whatever I'm told. All we want is a healthy baby to come into this world safely - that's our number one priority.

If we go with the caesar, it's hello baby in less than 5 weeks time!!


1 Responses to “Out through the window instead of the door?”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    5 weeks?!!!! OMG ALREADY! ♥  

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