
Lin and Ben's life blog. Dedicated to any and all interesting happenings about our shared life!

12 week scan - the all-important nuchal

Boy was I anxious about today!!

The 12 week nuchal scan is when the fluid on the back of baby's neck is measured and tested for the likelihood of downs syndrome. 12 weeks also marks the big major milestone where the chances of miscarriage drops dramatically and often the time when couples decide to share their wonderful news with the world.

I couldn't sleep the night before and kept tossing and turning, hoping everything would be OK today. I'm such a worry wort I know...

From the moment we saw our beautiful baby on the screen, we forgot all about the scan and the reason why we were there... he (or she!!) was just gorgeous and we were just so gob-smacked to see him moving and waving his little arms around!! We really ARE pregnant!! All our previous scans didn't really show us much more than a jelly bean and the whole pregnancy just seemed so surreal - until today!

Afterwards, we met with the doc and was told that for my maternal age, we have a 1:313 chance of our baby having downs syndrome, but after the tests, our adjusted risk has come in at 1:6242 !! Of course, the nuchal scan is not definitive, just a scan for the likelihood, but with chances like that, we were pretty chuffed with the result and had a huge feeling of relief come over us.

Of course soon straight after, the cat was out of the bag and we shouted from the rooftops that we were having a baby!


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